Create a powerful growth plan

A strategic problem many businesses face is they don't have a clear plan for growth. It is no surprise that uninspiring companies often have long, uninspiring business plans.

Create a powerful growth plan


Do you feel proud to share your powerful one page business plan?


At The Alpha Group we make certain that you create a powerful one-page growth plan that gives you and your company direction, focus and inspiration.

So, how does this happen?

Easy, its a six step-process using the power of the peer-to-peer advisory board.


Firstly, you learn that the first step is to define the strategic problem?

Companies that achieve sustained and remarkable fast growth are usually very clear about the target niche of customers that they focus on and offer a compelling service or product proposition to the chosen niche. Based on the niche and proposition, these companies have a shared bold goal that they believe in and are successfully implementing the right FastGrowth projects to achieve the goal.

Other companies with stagnant growth are unclear about your chosen niche and proposition and lack a clear motivating goal and relevant projects to achieve your goal i.e. they lack an effective Business Growth Plan.


Secondly, you create your Powerful, one page FastGrowth Business Plan.

1 Define your target niche:

2 Create your compelling proposition for your customers in your chosen niche:

3 Decide your key, 1 to 2-year company goal:


Thirdly, you identify your key FastGrowth projects:

These projects cover the following six key areas:

  • Create your clear company direction

  • Achieve strong commitment from your team

  • Gain your profitable sales

  • Retain your ideal customers

  • Increase your profit

  • Enhance your profit multiplier


Lastly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you take massive action.

The profound impact on you and your company of creating a powerful growth plan is that you will substantially increase your profitable sales within 12 months.

If you would like to find out more about how The Alpha Group members create a powerful growth plan then please get in touch and I will be happy to send you further information about visiting a suitable group, online, face-to-face or blended with a mixture of real world and virtual board meetings.

More Resources to help you Grow your Business

About The Alpha Group

About your Successful Advisory Board

Achieve a lower break-even point

Achieve additional, profitable revenue streams

Achieve your optimal selling prices

Acquire and integrate other companies for growth

Agenda for Today's Meeting

Application to become a Member

Ask for Referrals to your Advisory Board

Attract members to your Successful Advisory Board

Automate your Successful Advisory Board

Be a more successful Business Leader

Build a balanced, effective team

Build a successful online business

Build an engaged and empowered team

Build your powerful belief about your company goals

Build your Successful Advisory Board

Build your successful online meeting

Business Cards of the Members

Capture the value in your existing connections

Clarify your team’s roles

Clone your successful Alpha Group

Coach your people for growth

Coffee Break

Create a powerful growth plan

Create a WOW business

Create and protect your intellectual property

Create successful strategic alliances

Create your compelling company purpose and guiding principles

Decide your best option for growth

Decide your bold, motivating company goals

Decide your special niche for growth

Define your compelling business proposition

Develop a strong business model for growth

Develop strategic and inspiring leadership

Develop your successful new products & services

Develop your winning attitude

Establish your Successful Advisory Board

Establishing Subject Matter Experts

Feedback from today's advisory board

Filter in your high-probability customers

Forecast your likely market value in 3 years

Future proof your business with an effective risk management plan

Gain valuable referrals

Gain your ideal customers

Generate potential customers

Get your products and services into a big growing market

Gold Coaching

Grow your business nationally and internationally

Help an advisory board member with their issue

How To Grow your business and double its value in 2 years

How to Run a Successful Online Meeting

How to Use the Alpha Group Online System

Increase your customers for life

Involve your people in your purpose, goals and plans

Keep your growth on track through effective indicators

Learnings from today's Advisory Board

Leverage your existing connections

Manage relationships with your customers

My Commitment to my Advisory Board

My key issue arising from today’s alpha meeting

Organise your company for growth

Our Core Values

Plan how to increase your operating profit

Plan how to increase your profitable sales

Plan your desired market value

Post-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors

Pre-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors

Prepare an issue for my advisory board

Prepare your business for a high value sale

Preparing an issue for my advisory board meeting

Proposals from your Advisory Board

Questions from your Advisory Board

Raise the right finance for your company growth

Recruit the right people for your team

Register for an Alpha Group Online Meeting

Remove your strategic barriers for growth

Reports from previous advisory board meetings

Sell your business effectively

Sharpen your market focus

Sign the Non-disclosure Agreement

Significantly increase your brand value

Start your successful Alpha Group

Streamline your business processes

Successfully implement your key projects

Successfully implement your quarterly priorities

Successfully Partner with The Alpha Group

Successfully present your powerful growth plan

The Alpha Group in your Community

The Alpha Group Online System

The Alpha Group Terms and Conditions

The Power of Subject Matter Experts

The summaries of the 50 fastgrowth workbooks for business leaders to achieve FastGrowth™

Thousand Day Business Support Cycle

Track members for your successful Alpha Group Launch

Transform your brand, content and online presence

Value, Include and Personalise to create a VIP Visitor Experience

Welcome to The Alpha Group Online System

Your Peer-to-peer Advisory Board

Your Question and Proposals Pinup Board