Do you have a compelling company purpose and clear principles, and do others know what the company purpose and clear guiding principles are?
At The Alpha Group we make certain that you create a compelling purpose that is more inspiring than your competitors, and that you develop a strategy to communicate this. Think of big companies you know and admire, they want to make a difference in the world. Your higher purpose gives you an edge in both recruiting and retaining staff. Your higher purpose also gives you an edge with customers, they don't just buy on price, but they also buy into the logic and emotion behind the brand and its purpose.
We also help you to establish clear guiding principles. Clear guiding principles have always given businesses an edge over competition, think of companies founded on Quaker principles in the 17th 18th and 19th Century, such as Cadbury, Rowntree, Fry's and Clarks, banks Barclays and Lloyds and the financial institution Friends Life which was formally Friends Provident.
So, how do we do help you create a compelling purpose and clear guiding principles?
Easy, its a simple five step-process using the power of the peer-to-peer advisory board.
Firstly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you look at what is the strategic problem.
Successful companies focus on a shared, inspiring company purpose. Usually the people in these companies also work to some agreed guiding principles. As a result, through your shared compelling purpose and principles, these companies substantially outperform and outgrow competitors.
Other companies just focus on the bottom line i.e. the financial results for the next quarter. People in these companies often feel manipulated and controlled.
This is where the power of your peer-to-peer advisory board helps. By explaining your principles to others this helps you help clarify your own thinking. By listening to others you gain insights into your own situation. By looking at how other businesses perform this helps you create a vision for your own company. When you learn together, and when you gain insight together, and take action together, you have the accountability to keep you on track to get the massive results you deserve.
Secondly your peer-to-peer advisory board help you define your compelling company purpose.
Your purpose defines a compelling picture for your company that gives you and your team inspiration.
Your purpose defines what you do for your customers/clients, the results you give you and the benefits you derive as a company.
Your peer-to-peer advisory board helps you:
Define what you do for your customers/clients and the special way you do it.
Define the results you give your customers/clients.
Define the benefits you derive as a company as a result.
Then the board help you assess whether your purpose is more compelling than your competitors. Your peer-to-peer advisory board helps you refine these three definitions until you are satisfied.
Next, we look at what your company does that gives direction and inspiration?
You may it helpful to use the following template:
What you do for your customers/clients and what is the special way that you do this?
We work with our customers/clients to:
What results does this give to your customers/clients?
In order for them to:
What benefits do you derive as a company?
So that we:
Thirdly your peer-to-peer advisory board help you define your guiding principles.
The guiding principles of a company bring out the best in everyone to achieve the company purpose. These can often be thought of as core values, or your non-negotiables. What is your line in the sand?
Here you work together to:
Define what you do to be the best in your field
Define what you do to operate seamlessly
Define what you do to bring out the best in everyone
Define what you do to get everyone working together
Fourthly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you decide your immediate next actions.
Your peer-to-peer advisory board helps you find clarity on the actions you need to undertake to refine the company purpose and guiding principles.
Your peer-to-peer advisory board helps you find clarity on the actions you need to undertake to engage your team with the company purpose and guiding principles.
Your peer-to-peer advisory board helps you find clarity on the actions you need to undertake to engage your customers and prospects in the company purpose and guiding principles.
Lastly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you take massive action.
The profound impact on you and your company of creating your compelling company purpose and guiding principles is that you give your team a clear shared direction and inspiration which leads to substantially increased value for your company. You share your purpose and principles with your marketplace which helps to drive profitable sales.
If you would like to find out more about how The Alpha Group members create a compelling company purpose and guiding principles then please get in touch and I will be happy to send you further information about visiting a suitable group, online, face-to-face or blended with a mixture of real world and virtual board meetings.
If you are interested in finding out more about creating a compelling purpose for your business you can also read "Conscious Capitalism Field Guide" by Raj Sisodia, Timothy Henry and Thomas Eckschmidt. The Conscious Capitalism Field Guide is structured around HEALING, a compelling purpose is Heroic, Evolving, Aligning, Loving, Inspiring, Natural and Galvanizing.
About your Successful Advisory Board
Achieve a lower break-even point
Achieve additional, profitable revenue streams
Achieve your optimal selling prices
Acquire and integrate other companies for growth
Application to become a Member
Ask for Referrals to your Advisory Board
Attract members to your Successful Advisory Board
Automate your Successful Advisory Board
Be a more successful Business Leader
Build a balanced, effective team
Build a successful online business
Build an engaged and empowered team
Build your powerful belief about your company goals
Build your Successful Advisory Board
Build your successful online meeting
Capture the value in your existing connections
Clone your successful Alpha Group
Create and protect your intellectual property
Create successful strategic alliances
Create your compelling company purpose and guiding principles
Decide your best option for growth
Decide your bold, motivating company goals
Decide your special niche for growth
Define your compelling business proposition
Develop a strong business model for growth
Develop strategic and inspiring leadership
Develop your successful new products & services
Establish your Successful Advisory Board
Establishing Subject Matter Experts
Feedback from today's advisory board
Filter in your high-probability customers
Forecast your likely market value in 3 years
Future proof your business with an effective risk management plan
Get your products and services into a big growing market
Grow your business nationally and internationally
Help an advisory board member with their issue
How To Grow your business and double its value in 2 years
How to Run a Successful Online Meeting
How to Use the Alpha Group Online System
Increase your customers for life
Involve your people in your purpose, goals and plans
Keep your growth on track through effective indicators
Learnings from today's Advisory Board
Leverage your existing connections
Manage relationships with your customers
My Commitment to my Advisory Board
My key issue arising from today’s alpha meeting
Organise your company for growth
Plan how to increase your operating profit
Plan how to increase your profitable sales
Plan your desired market value
Post-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors
Pre-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors
Prepare an issue for my advisory board
Prepare your business for a high value sale
Preparing an issue for my advisory board meeting
Proposals from your Advisory Board
Questions from your Advisory Board
Raise the right finance for your company growth
Recruit the right people for your team
Register for an Alpha Group Online Meeting
Remove your strategic barriers for growth
Reports from previous advisory board meetings
Sell your business effectively
Sign the Non-disclosure Agreement
Significantly increase your brand value
Start your successful Alpha Group
Streamline your business processes
Successfully implement your key projects
Successfully implement your quarterly priorities
Successfully Partner with The Alpha Group
Successfully present your powerful growth plan
The Alpha Group in your Community
The Alpha Group Terms and Conditions
The Power of Subject Matter Experts
The summaries of the 50 fastgrowth workbooks for business leaders to achieve FastGrowth™
Thousand Day Business Support Cycle
Track members for your successful Alpha Group Launch
Transform your brand, content and online presence
Value, Include and Personalise to create a VIP Visitor Experience
Welcome to The Alpha Group Online System
Your Peer-to-peer Advisory Board
Your Question and Proposals Pinup Board