Do all your staff fully understand and have full confidence in your companies plan for growth?
At The Alpha Group we make certain that you can deliver a well-structured plan to your people with confidence.
So, how does this happen?
Easy, its a six step-process using the power of the peer-to-peer advisory board.
Firstly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you learn what is your strategic problem?
Having created your plan: Create a powerful growth plan to substantially grow your company, the next key step is for you and your people to successfully implement your plan. Many Business Leaders are more concerned about the prospect of presenting their company plan to their people than they are about presenting the plan to their bank and their investors.
Secondly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you refine the plan that they want to present to your people.
you find that it is useful to structure your plan in this format.
1 Define your target niche:
2 Create your compelling proposition for your customers in your chosen niche:
3 Decide your key, 1 to 2-year company goal:
4 Identify your 3 key FastGrowth projects to achieve your goal:
These projects cover the following areas:
Create your clear company direction
Achieve strong commitment from your team
Gain your profitable sales
Retain your ideal customers
Increase your profit
Enhance your profit multiplier
Thirdly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you assess the needs, motivations & concerns of your people towards the Plan.
For your presentation of your plan to be successful, it will address the needs, motivation and concern of your people. So below assess and define these 3 key areas.
i. What are the key needs of your people in respect to the growth of your company? What are your needs for a growing, more profitable and more secure future? How will you meet these needs?
ii. What are the major motivators of your people towards the substantial, rapid, sustained business growth of your company? How will you focus on these motivators?
Non-financial motivators
Financial motivators
iii. What is the possible concern that your people may have about the successful implementation of your plan? How will you reduce this concern?
Finally, as a result of our presentation what do you want your people to do? What key action do you want you to take?
Fourthly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you learn how to choose the right story for your presentation.
Stories allow us to connect with what is important, make sense of our world and grasp realities or ideas that might currently be alien to us.
Stories are important when presenting your Plan because they allow you to:
• Build rapport
• Introduce new ways of thinking to your people
• Empathise with your people
All of which are vital to achieving the commitment of your people to your Plan.
Successful leaders often use 3 key types of stories:
The "Why are we here?" story - give the personal and business reasons why you are looking to grow the company.
The "Vision" story - describe how the future looks and feels for your people and the benefits for you.
The “I know what you are thinking" story - tell a story that demonstrates how you previously overcame a similar concern to the concern that your people have.
What is the single most important reason that your people need to know about the why or how your company will achieve your growth?
Which story best suits your presentation objective?
Do you have a relevant story in mind? Use some time to make notes regarding the content of your story.
Lastly the peer-to-peer advisory board help you powerfully communicate your Plans.
When presenting, it is important that you powerfully communicate your plan successfully to your people. To do this it is important to follow the framework of Words, Pictures, Feelings, Actions as this will lead to Achievement.
Start with words make sure to use powerful adjectives so that your people hear the power.
Next, paint vivid pictures, so that your people see the picture.
Make sure to use appropriate tones and gestures, so that your people feel your emotion.
Finally explain the actions required so that your people trigger the desire to act.
Make sure to refine your presentation and to engage your key people before you present.
The profound impact on you and your company of successfully presenting your growth plan is that you will inspire your people to implement your plan. This will generate increased profits and massive value for your company.
If you would like to find out more about how The Alpha Group members successfully present their powerful growth plan then please get in touch and I will be happy to send you further information about visiting a suitable group, online, face-to-face or blended with a mixture of real world and virtual board meetings.
If you are interested in finding out more about powerfully presenting you can also read "Talk like TED" by Carmine Gallo. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TED talks are renowned for ideas worth spreading. Carmine tells us the 9 Public speaking secrets of the World's top minds. Carmine tells us that tells should have three key components: Emotional, it touches their heart, Novel; it teaches them something new, and Memorable, it stays in the mind.
About your Successful Advisory Board
Achieve a lower break-even point
Achieve additional, profitable revenue streams
Achieve your optimal selling prices
Acquire and integrate other companies for growth
Application to become a Member
Ask for Referrals to your Advisory Board
Attract members to your Successful Advisory Board
Automate your Successful Advisory Board
Be a more successful Business Leader
Build a balanced, effective team
Build a successful online business
Build an engaged and empowered team
Build your powerful belief about your company goals
Build your Successful Advisory Board
Build your successful online meeting
Capture the value in your existing connections
Clone your successful Alpha Group
Create and protect your intellectual property
Create successful strategic alliances
Create your compelling company purpose and guiding principles
Decide your best option for growth
Decide your bold, motivating company goals
Decide your special niche for growth
Define your compelling business proposition
Develop a strong business model for growth
Develop strategic and inspiring leadership
Develop your successful new products & services
Establish your Successful Advisory Board
Establishing Subject Matter Experts
Feedback from today's advisory board
Filter in your high-probability customers
Forecast your likely market value in 3 years
Future proof your business with an effective risk management plan
Get your products and services into a big growing market
Grow your business nationally and internationally
Help an advisory board member with their issue
How To Grow your business and double its value in 2 years
How to Run a Successful Online Meeting
How to Use the Alpha Group Online System
Increase your customers for life
Involve your people in your purpose, goals and plans
Keep your growth on track through effective indicators
Learnings from today's Advisory Board
Leverage your existing connections
Manage relationships with your customers
My Commitment to my Advisory Board
My key issue arising from today’s alpha meeting
Organise your company for growth
Plan how to increase your operating profit
Plan how to increase your profitable sales
Plan your desired market value
Post-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors
Pre-Meeting Checklist for Regional Directors
Prepare an issue for my advisory board
Prepare your business for a high value sale
Preparing an issue for my advisory board meeting
Proposals from your Advisory Board
Questions from your Advisory Board
Raise the right finance for your company growth
Recruit the right people for your team
Register for an Alpha Group Online Meeting
Remove your strategic barriers for growth
Reports from previous advisory board meetings
Sell your business effectively
Sign the Non-disclosure Agreement
Significantly increase your brand value
Start your successful Alpha Group
Streamline your business processes
Successfully implement your key projects
Successfully implement your quarterly priorities
Successfully Partner with The Alpha Group
Successfully present your powerful growth plan
The Alpha Group in your Community
The Alpha Group Terms and Conditions
The Power of Subject Matter Experts
The summaries of the 50 fastgrowth workbooks for business leaders to achieve FastGrowth™
Thousand Day Business Support Cycle
Track members for your successful Alpha Group Launch
Transform your brand, content and online presence
Value, Include and Personalise to create a VIP Visitor Experience
Welcome to The Alpha Group Online System
Your Peer-to-peer Advisory Board
Your Question and Proposals Pinup Board