Mark Horner

61 Educational Services

611511 Cosmetology and Barber Schools

Average Jobs Employed 6
Average Loan Given $47,607
Number of Loans Given 2814
Total Amount Loaned $133,965,019

611512 Flight Training

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in offering aviation and flight training. These establishments may offer vocational training, recreational training, or both.

Average Jobs Employed 11
Average Loan Given $105,754
Number of Loans Given 593
Total Amount Loaned $62,712,306

Offering specialized military training (except flight instruction, academies, and basic training) are classified in U.S. Industry 611519, Other Technical and Trade Schools;

Operating college level military academies are classified in Industry 611310, Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools;

National security and military basic training (except academies) are classified in Industry 928110, National Security.

Providing specialty air transportation services that may also provide flight training are classified in U.S. Industry 481219, Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation.

611513 Apprenticeship Training

Average Jobs Employed 15
Average Loan Given $156,179
Number of Loans Given 295
Total Amount Loaned $46,072,762

611519 Other Technical and Trade Schools

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in offering job or career vocational or technical courses (except cosmetology and barber training, aviation and flight training, and apprenticeship training). The curriculums offered by these schools are highly structured and specialized and lead to job-specific certification.

Illustrative Examples:

Bartending schools
Modeling schools
Broadcasting schools
Real estate schools
Computer repair training
Truck driving schools
Graphic arts schools
Specialized military training (except flight instruction, academies, and basic training)

Average Jobs Employed 11
Average Loan Given $102,380
Number of Loans Given 2830
Total Amount Loaned $289,734,458

Offering courses in office procedures and secretarial and stenographic skills are classified in Industry 611410, Business and Secretarial Schools;

Offering computer training (except computer repair) are classified in Industry 611420, Computer Training;

Offering professional and management development training are classified in Industry 611430, Professional and Management Development Training;

Offering registered nursing training with academic degrees (e.g., associate, baccalaureate) are classified in Industry 611210, Junior Colleges, or Industry 611310, College, Universities, and Professional Schools;

Offering aviation and flight training, including military flight instruction are classified in U.S. Industry 611512, Flight Training;

Operating college level military academies are classified in Industry 611310, Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools;

National security and military basic training (except academies) are classified in Industry 928110, National Security;

Offering cosmetology and barber training are classified in U.S. Industry 611511, Cosmetology and Barber Schools;

Offering academic courses that may also offer technical and trade courses are classified according to the type of school.

Offering apprenticeship training programs are classified in U.S. Industry 611513, Apprenticeship Training.