Mark Horner

22 Utilities

221111 Hydroelectric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 14
Average Loan Given $147,892
Number of Loans Given 184
Total Amount Loaned $27,212,104

221112 Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 20
Average Loan Given $374,479
Number of Loans Given 78
Total Amount Loaned $29,209,385

221113 Nuclear Electric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 7
Average Loan Given $127,145
Number of Loans Given 18
Total Amount Loaned $2,288,612

221114 Solar Electric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 10
Average Loan Given $144,533
Number of Loans Given 1073
Total Amount Loaned $155,084,009

221115 Wind Electric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 10
Average Loan Given $165,054
Number of Loans Given 60
Total Amount Loaned $9,903,236

221116 Geothermal Electric Power Generation

Average Jobs Employed 9
Average Loan Given $142,525
Number of Loans Given 33
Total Amount Loaned $4,703,318

221117 Biomass Electric Power Generation

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating biomass electric power generation facilities. These facilities use biomass (e.g., wood, waste, alcohol fuels) to produce electric energy. The electric energy produced in these establishments is provided to electric power transmission systems or to electric power distribution systems.

Average Jobs Employed 11
Average Loan Given $196,743
Number of Loans Given 45
Total Amount Loaned $8,853,416

Establishments primarily engaged in operating trash disposal incinerators that also generate electricity are classified in U.S. Industry 562213, Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators.

221118 Other Electric Power Generation

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating electric power generation facilities (except hydroelectric, fossil fuel, nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass). These facilities convert other forms of energy, such as tidal power, into electric energy. The electric energy produced in these establishments is provided to electric power transmission systems or to electric power distribution systems.

Average Jobs Employed 8
Average Loan Given $125,613
Number of Loans Given 1692
Total Amount Loaned $212,536,444

Operating trash disposal incinerators that also generate electricity are classified in U.S. Industry 562213, Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators;

Operating hydroelectric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221111, Hydroelectric Power Generation;

Operating fossil fuel powered electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221112, Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation;

Operating nuclear electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221113, Nuclear Electric Power Generation;

Operating solar electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221114, Solar Electric Power Generation;

Operating wind electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221115, Wind Electric Power Generation;

Operating geothermal electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221116, Geothermal Electric Power Generation.

Operating biomass electric power generation facilities are classified in U.S. Industry 221117, Biomass Electric Power Generation.