🇨🇳 Yuci District (榆次区) is a district in Jinzhong, Shanxi, China.
1Administrative Divisions
1Subdistricts: • Beiguan Subdistrict (北关街道), Jinlun Subdistrict (锦纶街道), Xinhua Subdistrict (新华街道), Xinan Subdistrict (西南街道), Luxi Subdistrict (路西街道), Anning Subdistrict (安宁街道), Jingwei Subdistrict (经纬街道), Xinjian Subdistrict (新建街道), Jinhua Subdistrict (晋华街道)
1Towns: • Wujinshan (乌金山镇), Dongyang (东阳镇), Shitie (什贴镇), Changning (长凝镇), Beitian (北田镇), Xiuwen (修文镇)
1Townships: • Guojiabao Township (郭家堡乡), Zhangqing Township (张庆乡), Zhuangzi Township (庄子乡), Dongzhao Township (东赵乡).
1Education: University Yuci District is home to several new university campuses, as well as many others under construction, for major universities based in Shanxi, including Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi University of Traditional Medicine and Shanxi Medical University and Taiyuan Normal University. For this reason, Yuci is known in Shanxi as a university city.
1Yuci District has a population of over 904,518 people. Yuci District also forms part of the wider Jinzhong Prefecture which has a population of over 5,433,659 people. For the location of Yuci District see: Yuci.
To set up a UBI Lab for Yuci District see: https://www.ubilabnetwork.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/UBILabNetwork
🇺🇸 South San Francisco 37.65
🇺🇸 Pleasanton 37.65
🇰🇷 Eunpyeong District 37.603
Locations Near: Yuci District 112.85,37.6167
🇨🇳 Jinzhong 112.753,37.688 d: 11.7
🇨🇳 Taiyuan 112.56,37.869 d: 37.9
🇨🇳 Yangquan 113.563,37.858 d: 68.2
🇨🇳 Xinzhou 112.734,38.416 d: 89.5
🇨🇳 Pingyao 112.15,37.2 d: 77.3
🇨🇳 Fenyang 111.77,37.262 d: 103.2
🇨🇳 Xi’an 114.1,37.377 d: 113.5
🇨🇳 Changzhi 113.1,36.183 d: 161
🇨🇳 Shijiazhuang 114.479,38.041 d: 150.7
Antipodal to: Yuci District -67.15,-37.617
🇦🇷 General Roca -67.575,-39.027 d: 19854
🇦🇷 Cipolletti -67.987,-38.929 d: 19851.9
🇦🇷 Neuquén -68.052,-38.926 d: 19849.6
🇦🇷 Neuquén City -68.064,-38.953 d: 19846.5
🇦🇷 Santa Rosa -64.283,-36.617 d: 19737.7
🇦🇷 San Rafael -68.333,-34.6 d: 19663.2
🇦🇷 Parera -64.502,-35.147 d: 19652.3
🇦🇷 Villa Mercedes -65.467,-33.667 d: 19550.3