🇧🇷 Tucano is a municipality in the state of Bahia in the North-East region of Brazil.
1History The district of Tucano was created in the year 1754. It became a village by Provincial Law No. 51 of March 21, 1837, with the dismemberment of Itapicuru. It was installed on May 26, 1837 with the inauguration of the Mayor.
Through State Decrees No. 7,455, of June 23, 1931 and 7,479, of July 8, 1931, the village was extinguished and annexed to the municipality of Cipó as only one district. By State Decree No. 8,447, of May 27, 1933, it was restored, this time as a municipality, being dismembered from the municipality of Cipó. It was reinstalled on June 24, 1933 with the inauguration of the Mayor appointed by the Federal Interventor.
1Economy Economically the municipality survives from agriculture (beans and corn), livestock (cattle, sheep and goats), tourism, its main point being the Hydromineral Resort of Caldas do Jorro, whose tourist potential is one of the strong attractions of the development of the region. Other attractions for many tourists who visit Tucano is to pass in the Wind Hole, beautiful rock formations, carved by nature itself. There is also the Cachoeira do Inferno, rock formations, canyon type, with waterfall, also carved by nature itself, of great beauty. The Tucano fair should not be left out of the itinerary; it takes place on Saturdays, and as the fairs in the cities of the sertão are very interesting, the visitor finds a series of news and in a quick walk you can perceive the authentic human geography of the region.
Tucano also has an economic vocation focused on artisanal manufacturing, and the Village of Tracupá is a pole of artisans of leather artifacts, in the confection of wallets, bags, fanny packs, belts, clothes, caps, etc.; whose production is exported to the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Brasília, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Pará, Maranhão, It also practices the handicrafts of straw, fibers, vine, wood, ceramics, etc.
1Tourist Industry Like other cities, Tucano also has celebrations; such as: Holy Week, with Procession of the Dead Lord; Christmas, culminating in the Mass of the Rooster; São João with bonfires and fireworks, animated by accordion players and forró bands in Caldas do Jorro; and the arraiá do jegue, with bumba-meu-boi and the traditional of the municipality is also held the parties of Santo Antônio (June 13) in the village of Creguenhem; São Pedro (June 29) in the villages of Poço Redondo and Olhos D'Água; birthday of Tucano (March 21) and Jorro (December 4) held in both the aforementioned locations; Vaquejadas: Parque José Valdir de Santana (August), Parque Sol
Despite the high non-native and non-Western proportion in parts of the state of Bahia (something relatively common in parts of the former Eastern region of IBGE, especially in its headquarters and surroundings), Tucano is a city with indigenous and Dutch influence, in its colonization. The city has fewer Afro-descendant influences than the state average, because it was at a longitude that is not conducive to aplantation, that is, less clayey soil and humidity less conducive to the input of the products most exported for centuries by the coastal zone of Salvador and reconcavo.
1Tucano has a population of over 55,923 people. Tucano also forms one of the centres of the wider Euclides da Cunha District which has a population of over 302,905 people.
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🇧🇷 Nossa Senhora do Socorro -10.849
🇧🇷 Euclides da Cunha -10.5
🇧🇷 Senhor do Bonfim -10.455
🇧🇷 Dianópolis -11.617
🇨🇩 Lubumbashi -11.65
🇧🇷 Maranguape -38.683
🇧🇷 Salvador da Bahia -38.513
🇧🇷 Salvador de Bahia -38.467
🇧🇷 Alagoinhas -38.417
🇧🇷 Simões Filho -38.405
🇧🇷 Feira de Santana -38.965
🇧🇷 Euclides da Cunha -39
🇧🇷 Porto Seguro -39.065
🇧🇷 Santo Antônio de Jesus -39.263
🇧🇷 Quixeramobim -39.283
Locations Near: Tucano -38.7833,-10.95
🇧🇷 Euclides da Cunha -39,-10.5 d: 55.4
🇧🇷 Lagarto -37.664,-10.915 d: 122.3
🇧🇷 Alagoinhas -38.417,-12.133 d: 137.5
🇧🇷 Feira de Santana -38.965,-12.255 d: 146.5
🇧🇷 Itabaiana -37.417,-10.683 d: 152.2
🇧🇷 Catu -38.367,-12.333 d: 160.4
🇧🇷 Senhor do Bonfim -40.188,-10.455 d: 163
🇧🇷 Nossa Senhora do Socorro -37.139,-10.849 d: 179.9
🇧🇷 Paulo Afonso -38.224,-9.398 d: 183.1
Antipodal to: Tucano 141.217,10.95
🇬🇺 Hagåtña 144.746,13.467 d: 19540.3
🇬🇺 Tamuning 144.767,13.483 d: 19537.4
🇬🇺 Dededo 144.836,13.515 d: 19529.3
🇲🇵 Saipan 145.753,15.189 d: 19334.3
🇵🇼 Ngerulmud 134.627,7.487 d: 19195.8
🇮🇩 Jayapura 140.72,-2.529 d: 18515.3
🇮🇩 Manokwari 134.083,-0.867 d: 18482.6
🇵🇭 Tandag 126.196,9.077 d: 18357.4