🇧🇷 Araranguá is a city located in the southern part of Santa Catarina state, in the south of Brazil. It was settled mainly by Portuguese and Italians. Araranguá is known as "A Cidade das Avenidas" because of its wide roads.
1History Until the 18th century, the city was inhabited mostly by Carijós and Kaingang Indians. These ethnics groups disappeared after the arrival of the first Europeans settlers.
On 11 February 1728, was started the opening of the Caminho dos Conventos way that linked Morro dos Conventos ("Convents Mountain") to Curitiba. This way became used mostly by the tropeiros, who carried cattle from Rio Grande do Sul to São Paulo. Araranguá became a waypoint for those between Viamão (former capital of Rio Grande do Sul) and Lages (in the top of the Planalto Serrano).
The first to arrive in Araranguá region were the Portugueses, who came from Laguna in the beginning of the 19th century. They first settled in the Morro dos Conventos. Later, Italian, German, Polish and Spanish immigrants and the African slaves arrived in the city. In 1816 was inaugurated in the village of Canjicas the first chapel in the region. In 1864 was created the first church within the current city of Araranguá.
The city was founded 3 April 1880, and was named Araranguá after the Araranguá River. The village was promoted to the condition of city in 1921.
Along the 20th century the city underwent some dismemberments. The city of Criciúma emancipated in 1925 followed by Turvo (1948), Sombrio (1953), Maracajá (1967) and Balneário Arroio do Silva (1997).
1Economy • Agriculture – production of rice, beans, tobacco and corn. • Industry – based on metallurgy, ceramics, furniture and textiles. • Commerce • Tourism
1Education The city has a campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, inaugurated on 10 August 2009. With headquarters in Mato Alto and Jardim das Avenidas, the campus offers 4 undergraduate programs (Computer Engineering, Energy Engineering, Physiotherapy and Information and Communication Technologies) and 4 masters programs (Rehabilitation Sciences, Energy and Sustainability, Physics Teaching and Information and Communication Technologies).
Also located in Araranguá is a campus of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, which offers technical courses in Electromechanics, Fashion and Apparel Production, and undergraduate programs in Fashion Design and Physics.
1Transport: Road Araranguá is accessed by road mainly from the BR-101, an important highway that connects several major Brazilian cities. It lies roughly halfway between Porto Alegre and Florianópolis, the former being 210 km (130 mi) away.
1Transport: Bus The city is served by Viação Cidade for intra-city routes and by União, Pluma, SantoAnjo and Eucatur for inter-city and inter-state routes. Among cities served are Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Curitiba and São Paulo besides most of the neighboring cities and cities along those routes.
1Araranguá has a population of over 68,870 people. Araranguá also forms the centre of the wider Araranguá District which has a population of over 208,789 people. It is also a part of the larger Sul Catarinense area. Araranguá is situated 34 km south-west of Criciúma.
To set up a UBI Lab for Araranguá see: https://www.ubilabnetwork.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/UBILabNetwork
🇧🇷 Nova Prata -28.785
🇿🇦 Richards Bay -28.751
🇿🇦 Sol Plaatje -28.738
🇿🇦 King Cetshwayo -28.733
🇿🇦 Bloemfontein -29.118
🇧🇷 Caxias do Sul -29.168
🇧🇷 Bento Gonçalves -29.174
🇦🇷 Reconquista -29.233
🇧🇷 Farroupilha -29.234
🇦🇷 Villa Unión -29.3
🇧🇷 São Bento do Sul -49.41
🇧🇷 São José do Rio Preto -49.381
🇧🇷 Fazenda Rio Grande -49.313
🇧🇷 Almirante Tamandaré -49.3
🇧🇷 Aparecida de Goiânia -49.245
🇧🇷 Campo Largo -49.532
🇧🇷 Rio do Sul -49.642
🇧🇷 Conceição do Araguaia -49.7
🇧🇷 Wenceslau Braz -49.8
Locations Near: Araranguá -49.4833,-28.9333
🇧🇷 Criciúma -49.372,-28.678 d: 30.4
🇧🇷 Tubarão -49,-28.467 d: 70.1
🇧🇷 Osorio -50.265,-29.894 d: 131
🇧🇷 Lages -50.321,-27.82 d: 148.5
🇧🇷 Palhoça -48.667,-27.633 d: 165.2
🇧🇷 São José -48.617,-27.6 d: 170.8
🇧🇷 Biguaçu -48.667,-27.5 d: 178.3
🇧🇷 Santa Catarina -48.5,-27.6 d: 176.8
🇧🇷 Caxias -51.179,-29.168 d: 166.9
🇧🇷 Caxias do Sul -51.179,-29.168 d: 166.9
Antipodal to: Araranguá 130.517,28.933
🇯🇵 Amami 129.483,28.367 d: 19896.2
🇯🇵 Kanoya 130.847,31.382 d: 19741
🇯🇵 Kagoshima 130.55,31.6 d: 19718.5
🇯🇵 Hioki 130.367,31.6 d: 19718.2
🇯🇵 Aira 130.617,31.717 d: 19705.4
🇯🇵 Nichinan 131.392,31.588 d: 19708.2
🇯🇵 Satsumasendai 130.299,31.808 d: 19694.7
🇯🇵 Miyakonojō 131.079,31.809 d: 19690.8