🇧🇷 Alagoinhas is a city in the Brazilian state of Bahia. It was founded in 1852. In 1974, the city was made the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Alagoinhas.
It is limited to the north by the municipality of Inhambupe, to the south by the municipality of Catu, to the east by the municipality of Araçás, to the west by the municipality of Aramari, to the north-east by the municipality of Entre Rios and to the south-west by the municipality of Teodoro Sampaio. The municipality is cut by BR-101, which crosses the State of Bahia from Espírito Santo, and goes towards the State of Sergipe.
Its name is due to the Sauípe, Catu, Subaúma and Quiricó rivers and the small ecórregos lagoons in the region. And so its water is considered of excellent quality and can be considered the second best in the world, being one of its greatest riches, and which is part of the aquifer that goes from Dias d'Ávila to Tucano and attracts several industries of the brewing pole.
According to data from IBGE of 2002 and the Department of Road and Highway of Bahia (DERBA) of 2004, the degree of urbanization of Alagoinhas is 86.43%.
1History The settlement of Alagoinhas was started at the end of the 18th century, when a Portuguese priest, whose identity was not guarded by History, founded a chapel in the municipality, in praise of Santo Antônio, around which the village of Santo Antônio das Alagoinhas was formed, whose name is due to the many small lagoons existing in the region.
It is created, by Permit dated November 7, 1816, the Parish of Santo Antônio das Alagoinhas, subordinate to the Village of Inhambupe.
Because it is an important point of passage for herds and access to the Sertão (hence the title given by Ruy Barbosa to the city, "Pórtico de Ouro do Sertão Baiano"), the parish thrives and receives many inhabitants, coming mainly from Inhambupe (village to which it belonged), Irará and Santo Amaro. As a consequence, the process of emancipation of the parish begins around the 1840s.
On June 16, 1852, the Parish of Santo Antônio das Alagoinhas is dismembered from Inhambupe and elevated to the category of village, with the same toponym, being installed on July 2 of the following year, with the inauguration of the first City Council and the president of the Council, Colonel José Joaquim Leal.
The great development and population growth of the village came due to the opening of the Railway Station (inaugurated in 1863), belonging to the Railroad from Bahia to São Francisco, because it was a centre of economic activities, due to the large flow of people and goods. With this, the Village of Santo Antônio das Alagoinhas is elevated to the category of city, by Provincial Law n.º 1957, of July 7, 1880, having its toponym simplified to "Alagoinhas".
On November 18, 1880, one of the greatest symbols of Alagoinhas was built, the Second Station of San Francisco. Erected in English style, with the passenger station in French style, it has all the material imported from England, and is the only replica in the world of another station in Liverpool. To this day, all the bricks used in its construction have the names of the English and French manufacturers.
In 1897, Alagoinhas played a key role during the Canudos War, when it welcomed federal and state troops, who used the city as a route to the final destination. The city also provided assistance and supplies to the wounded soldiers who used it as a medical point.
The 1920s was a moment of architectural and technological revolution in the city, with the inauguration of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, the Collective Transport Service, the Municipal Bandstand, and the Chapel "of Praça Kennedy", in addition to the arrival of electricity in 1924, with the help and work of the Robatto brothers.
On November 11, 1931, through a popular plebiscite, Alagoinhas was renamed "Cidade Joaquim Távora", in honor of the brother of Lieutenant Juarez Távora, who commanded the revolution that installed Getúlio Vargas in power, but the name did not take it and the city continued with the old name.
Alagoinhas also contributed during World War II, with several young people offering to travel to the Brazilian front in Italy. After the Allied victory and the return of several of them to the city, the Totem dos Pracinhas was erected in 1972, in honor of the squares Dionísio Chagas and Evilásio Assis, killed in combat.
The 1950s was also important in the rapid development of the city, as there was the installation of a complex sewage network system in the central part of the municipality, benefiting families and workers. In addition, several cultural and leisure centres, such as the central library, were installed in the city. Several public centres have obtained renovations that ended up expanding the architectural beauty of the city. Also during this decade, the Cathedral of San Francisco was built, with a unique Italian style in the region, invests in the height and diversity of towers. It is a replica of the Cathedral of San Francisco de Ascoli Piceno, in Italy.
In 1964, an oil well was discovered in the municipality, the MG-1-BA. Three years later, there were already 30 wells, which caused Petrobras to settle in the municipality, generating its development and increasing investments, but also disorderly growth, leaving several people without basic sanitation and access to health services.
With the railway development and the discovery of oil wells, Alagoinhas grew very economically, becoming the pole of its region. It turned to services, so its development took place mainly in commerce, polarizing more than 30 neighboring municipalities.
On June 10, 2010, the then mayor Paulo Cezar signed, together with the then president Lula, the adhesion and recognition of Alagoinhas as a historical heritage city of Brazil, due to its numerous mansions and churches that date back to past centuries, still in a guaranteed state of conservation.
Some people from Alagoas stood out a lot in the field of literature and education, such as Maria Feijó (1918), José Olívio Paranhos Lima (1955), the poet and playwright Lázaro Zacaríades, the poet, teacher and academic researcher Ednaldo Soares, published in Brazil and Italy, and the writer and master in Linguistics Adson Vasconcelos (1965), author of several text
1Geography The municipality is located in the east of Bahia, in the Agreste of this state, with an area of 734 square kilometers. It is located in the geomorphic units of the Tabuleiros do Recôncavo and the Tabuleiros Interioranos. With a warm and semi-humid climate, it has semideciduous seasonal forest vegetation and a park without gallery forest.
Its geology can be summarized, according to CEI and IBMB 1993-1994, in medium and coarse sandstones, conglomerates / gaps, paraconglomerates.
The city is served by the road and rail network. The BR-101, which cuts Brazil from North to South, serves the city by providing important access and means of flow of products to cities in the Northeast such as Recife and Aracaju, as well as cities such as Vitória and Rio de Janeiro, in the Southeast of the country. It also cuts the city to BR-110, which unites it to the Northeast through the interior of the region. The railway has in the city, in addition to its historical role, an intertwining that has already been of great importance for the country and had its decline according to the undervaluation of rail transport in the country. It also has state highways that connect the city to BR 116 and also to the Green Line.
1Economy According to IBGE data, the municipality's GDP in 2018 was R$ 3 962 807.95 billion.
In 2001, 34,181 electricity consumers were registered in the municipality, which totaled a consumption of 101,227 mWh.
First sector Alagoinhas stands out in the agricultural production of lemon (largest Bahian producer), avocado, orange (3º largest Bahian producer), sweet potatoes (10º largest Bahian producer) and peanuts (11º largest Bahian producer).
In the mineral goods sector, it is a major producer of sand, clay and stone.
Second sector According to the Board of Trade of the State of Bahia (JUCEB), the municipality has 669 industries, occupying the 13th place in the general position of the state of Bahia, and 3,711 commercial establishments, 14th position among the municipalities of Bahia.
Third sector Its services have grown a lot, since the discovery of oil wells and the implementation of the railroad, expanding services to neighboring municipalities as well. And its hotel park registers 500 beds.
It has several other services with nationally recognised quality. Served by several elementary to higher education establishments. At the health level, it is served mainly by the Dantas Bião Regional Hospital and Alagoinhas Maternity Hospital. Some specialized medical services are carried out in the city, thus avoiding travel to the state capital, Salvador, in search of care.
1Education Alagoinhas has 152 schools, being 87 municipal, 29 state, 1 federal and 35 private; and 12 higher education institutions authorized by the MEC. Highlights in the municipal network are the Municipal College of Alagoinhas, in the state network, the Model College Luis Eduardo Magalhães, State College Deputy Luís Eduardo Magalhães (in Barreiro), the CETEP (Territorial Center of Professional Education), Military Police College Professor Carlos Rosa and the State College São Francisco. The campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IF BAIANO), inaugurated in 2016, is a unit of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education that offers vocational courses from basic training (High School) to post-graduation (specialization). In the private network, there are as highlights the Colégio Dínamo, Colégio Star, Colégio Santíssimo Sacramento, Colégio São Francisco das Irmãs Franciscanas, Colégio Destaque and the Centro Educacional Cenecista Alcindo de Camargo.
In 2012, after the release of the Ideb 2011 indexes, Alagoinhas gained prominence in the national news. With a score of 2.8, Alagoinhas failed to reach the goal of 3.0 imposed by the MEC for 2011.
1Districts • Alagoinhas (sede) • Good Union • Riacho da Guia
1Neighborhoods • Alagoinhas Velha • Barreiro • Catu • Center • July 2 • Jardim Petrolar • Juracy Magalhães • Kennedy • Mangalô • Santa Isabel • Santa Terezinha • Silva Jardim • Terezópolis
1Locations • Borges • Buri • Calu • Cambodia from Abroad • Cangula • Conceição de Baixo • Conceição de Cima • Cruise of the hills • Delighted • Estevão • Gameleira Farm • Guabiraba Farm • km 18 • km 19 • Limoeiro • Rompers • Hoses • Miracles • Outeiro • Parrot • Pedra de Baixo • Pedra de Cima • Beiju's Point • Gate • Quinzambu • Riacho do Mel • Rio Branco • Sauípe • Sucupira I • Sucupira II • Tombador • Tucum.
1Alagoinhas has a population of over 152,300 people. Alagoinhas also forms the centre of the wider Nordeste Baiano District which has a population of over 1,517,182 people.
To set up a UBI Lab for Alagoinhas see: https://www.ubilabnetwork.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/UBILabNetwork
🇧🇷 Simões Filho -38.405
🇧🇷 Lauro de Freitas -38.327
🇧🇷 Serra Talhada -38.295
🇧🇷 Paulo Afonso -38.224
🇧🇷 Pau dos Ferros -38.206
Locations Near: Alagoinhas -38.4167,-12.1333
🇧🇷 Catu -38.367,-12.333 d: 22.9
🇧🇷 Candeias -38.55,-12.667 d: 61.1
🇧🇷 Feira de Santana -38.965,-12.255 d: 61.1
🇧🇷 Camaçari -38.323,-12.694 d: 63.1
🇧🇷 Simões Filho -38.405,-12.785 d: 72.5
🇧🇷 Lauro de Freitas -38.327,-12.893 d: 85.1
🇧🇷 Salvador de Bahia -38.467,-12.967 d: 92.8
🇧🇷 Salvador da Bahia -38.513,-12.971 d: 93.7
🇧🇷 Salvador -38.512,-12.974 d: 94.1
🇧🇷 Santo Antônio de Jesus -39.263,-12.97 d: 130.7
Antipodal to: Alagoinhas 141.583,12.133
🇬🇺 Hagåtña 144.746,13.467 d: 19641.5
🇬🇺 Tamuning 144.767,13.483 d: 19638.7
🇬🇺 Dededo 144.836,13.515 d: 19630.4
🇲🇵 Saipan 145.753,15.189 d: 19450.9
🇵🇼 Ngerulmud 134.627,7.487 d: 19094.5
🇮🇩 Jayapura 140.72,-2.529 d: 18382
🇮🇩 Manokwari 134.083,-0.867 d: 18349.1
🇵🇭 Siargao 126.067,9.905 d: 18303.8