São José, Santa Catarina, South Region, Brazil

Economy | Education : Technical and superior : USJ | Transport | Collective Transportation

🇧🇷 São José is a city in Santa Catarina, Brazil. It is approximately 5 km from and encircles the continental section of Florianópolis. The municipality of São José, located in Grande Florianópolis, is the fourth oldest in Santa Catarina and was colonized on October 26, 1750, by 182 Azorean couples, from the islands of Pico, Terceira, São Jorge, Faial, Graciosa and São Miguel. In 1829, it received the first nucleus of German colonization of the State. Rapid development, coupled with population growth and economic power, meant that, on March 1, 1833, through the Resolution of the President of the Province, Feliciano Nunes Pires, São José passed from parish to village and, on May 1856, through Provincial Law No. 415, was elevated to the city. Not being very touristy in nature, unlike Florianópolis, São José has attracted industries such as telecommunication equipment, textiles, and food processing.

The main district of São José are Kobrasol and the Historic Centre.

São José is ranked 21st on the HDI in Brazil.

The major BR-101 highway passes through São José, making the city a gateway to Florianópolis.


Economy The economy of São José is very diversified, today structured in commerce and services, in addition to industry. The city stands out in the technological, food, metalworking and civil construction industries, being one of the most proportionally vertical cities in Brazil.

The city is in 5th place in the ranking of the economy of the municipalities of Santa Catarina, thanks mainly to the Industrial District in the south of the city, with a large number of enterprises. There are also other industries at other points, mainly around BR-101, and smaller industrial areas in Forquilhas and Sertão do Maruim.

The commerce of São José is quite diverse, it is concentrated mainly in neighborhoods such as Campinas, Kobrasol, Barreiros and Forquilhinha, other regions of the city also have their commerce in expansion is the case of the neighborhoods Bela Vista, Ipiranga, Areias, Praia Comprida, Lisbon and Fazenda Santo Antonio. The city has some shopping centres, among them Shopping Itaguaçu, which has the title of oldest shopping centre in Santa Catarina, and Continente Shopping, considered the largest shopping mall in Santa Catarina.


Education: Technical and superior There are several technical and higher education institutions installed in the city, highlighting the São José da Univali Campus, in the Sertão do Maruim, the São José Campus of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC) in Praia Comprida, the Estácio de Sá College in Barreiros and the SENAI-SC Faculty of Technology in the Industrial Area, in addition to a Senac unit in 52]

Other institutions include the School of Corporate Education (ESEC), the Faculty of Santa Catarina (FASC), the Faculty of International Technology (Fatec), the International Faculty of Curitiba (Facinter), the Faculdade União Bandeirante (Uniban), the Institute of Higher Education of Greater Florianópolis (IESGF), the University of Contestado (UnC) and the Universidade Paulista (UNIP).


Education: USJ Maintained by the Municipal Educational Foundation of São José, the Municipal University Center of São José (USJ) is the first public municipal university in Brazil and offers four undergraduate courses: administration, accounting, science of religion and pedagogy; and a lato sensu postgraduate course in management in civil defense.

The university centre has a student staff of more than 900 academics and a faculty of 93 professors - among whom 70% are doctors. The USJ was the only higher education institution in Santa Catarina that achieved maximum grade (5) in the General Index of Courses (IGC) 2009, of the Ministry of Education (MEC), which evaluates the quality of undergraduate and graduate courses and higher technology courses.


Transport São José is crossed by the BR-101, which connects the city directly to the metropolises of the southeast. This, however, became part of the urban network, losing its fast lane characteristic. A work is being carried out to try to divert part of the traffic: the Road Contour of Florianópolis, which will pass through the west of São José.

BR-282, the Expressway, which gives access to the capital and the west of the state, also passes through the city. SC-281 starts in the south of the municipality and connects the city to São Pedro de Alcântara and Angelina.

The city suffers from chronic congestion at various points. The fleet totals 112,522 vehicles, according to the 2010 Census. Although Avenida Beira-Mar de São José was built on a landfill, it little relieved traffic towards Florianópolis-neighborhoods of São José. Presidente Kennedy Avenue has been readjusted to try to mitigate the problem, with exclusive bus lanes.

Other important roads are Avenida Leoberto Leal, an important connection route with Florianópolis, in the Barreiros neighborhood and Avenida das Torres, which connects the Expressway to the limit with Biguaçu, through the interior of the municipality, passing through eight neighborhoods, following the high voltage power lines, suspended by 18 towers surrounded by the road, which is the second most extensive municipal public road, with


Collective Transportation Like all of Greater Florianópolis, São José is very dependent on the bus system. Four companies operate in the city. All of them also operate in neighboring municipalities. • Jotur - Auto Ônibus e Turismo Josefense Ltda. operates east of BR-101 from Praia Comprida to Palhoça. • Rodoviária Santa Terezinha Agência de Viagens e Turismo Ltda. - RST operates west of BR-101 in the neighborhoods on the banks of SC-281. • Biguaçu Transportes Coletivos Administração e Participação Ltda. operates in Roçado and in the district of Barreiros. • Transporte Coletivo Estrela Ltda. operates west of BR-101 (except Roçado and banks of SC-281) and in the district of Campinas.

The city has interneighborhood and intermunicipal lines, mainly towards downtown neighborhoods of Florianópolis.

Image: Photo by Cassiano Psomas on Unsplash

São José has a population of over 250,200 people. São José also forms part of the wider Florianópolis metropolitan area which has a population of over 1,111,702 people.

To set up a UBI Lab for São José see: https://www.ubilabnetwork.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/UBILabNetwork

Twin Towns, Sister Cities São José has links with:

🇵🇹 Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal 🇺🇸 Burbank, USA 🇦🇷 Córdoba, Argentina 🇺🇸 San José, USA
Text Atribution: Wikipedia Text under CC-BY-SA license

Antipodal to São José is: 131.383,27.6

Locations Near: São José -48.6167,-27.6

🇧🇷 Palhoça -48.667,-27.633 d: 6.2  

🇧🇷 Biguaçu -48.667,-27.5 d: 12.2  

🇧🇷 Santa Catarina -48.5,-27.6 d: 11.5  

🇧🇷 Itapema -48.612,-27.091 d: 56.6  

🇧🇷 Brusque -48.919,-27.095 d: 63.6  

🇧🇷 Balneário Camboriú -48.633,-26.983 d: 68.6  

🇧🇷 Camboriú -48.633,-26.983 d: 68.6  

🇧🇷 Itajaí -48.667,-26.9 d: 78  

🇧🇷 Blumenau -49.067,-26.918 d: 87.9  

🇧🇷 Tubarão -49,-28.467 d: 103.5  

Antipodal to: São José 131.383,27.6

🇯🇵 Amami 129.483,28.367 d: 19809.9  

🇯🇵 Nago 127.978,26.592 d: 19659.9  

🇯🇵 Uruma 127.85,26.367 d: 19639.1  

🇯🇵 Okinawa 127.809,26.409 d: 19637  

🇯🇵 Okinawa City 127.793,26.343 d: 19632.8  

🇯🇵 Kanoya 130.847,31.382 d: 19591.4  

🇯🇵 Ginowan 127.78,26.279 d: 19628.9  

🇯🇵 Urasoe 127.734,26.254 d: 19623.6  

🇯🇵 Naha 127.702,26.199 d: 19618.2  

🇯🇵 Makishi 127.667,26.2 d: 19615.1  

Bing Map

Option 1